Friday, September 6, 2013

Can governments move at the speed of electronic media. Not to be confused with controlled by electronic media...or maybe the government WILL be controlled by it. I am getting the feeling the world populations thinking and decision making and opinions are being formed and made in meer hours and even minutes and the governments decisions still languish for weeks, months and years. Will this process still stand in the near or distant future? It is becoming an archaic way of the operation within the development of the human race. Maybe Congress people, Senators, Presidents, Prime Ministers will all be a thing of the past. Can the political process be streamlined and made efficient and maybe even more fare by using electronic media to allow the people to decide almost all issues? A true Democracy? Our form of government looks more and more ancient, inefficient every day. When the different "parties" (ancient) cannot recognoize and commit to follow their leader then the party form of bonding has run its course. Politics is now an idividual decision now, not a party decision. Either there are very weak leaders or everyone is a leader and they don't want to listen to anyone but themselves. This new way of a governments functioning can and will be enhanced by current and future developments in electronic media.
Business has adopted and adapted to the technology in the last twenty years, maybe its time for government to "update" also. Sounds refreshing to me!

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