Russian built rocket engine ban to US export ???
The headline sounds a little extreme as far as halting the ENTIRE program, whats left of it anyway, but it IS true that the US does not manufacture for NASA, any engines to be able to launch low orbit space vehicles into space....This includes low orbit satellite and missions to the ISS. Why we depend on a very possible and probable adversary to "supply" these to NASA can only be as a result of the Congress on the US. It is another indication of how the government acts irresponsibly and stupidly. I am SURE we can get our own engines built and ready for flight in...lets see...a government project??? Maybe, just maybe a decade??? Being optimistic....Oh, and we also do not have any US way of getting our Astronauts to and from the International Space Station. Yep...we depend on the Russians for that too!!! John McCain and his lot think we have the trump card all the time with all issues regarding the future of the world....Well, the position THEY have put us in has left us in the position which THEY say we should NOT be in...Vulnerable! And actually having to consider WORLD OPINION before we make a unilateral decision. The US should have to consult and abide by other countries opinions on acting militarily when it is not a case on US national security..but we should not be in a position to be forced...or blackmailed (eventually, if it hasn't happened already) into any international decisions.
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